stem activities for kids

Paper, Resourcefulness, and How to Deal With Being a Boring Grownup.

We’ll admit it: Sometimes being a grownup can be really boring. When we’re kids, our whole lives revolve around imagination and trying new things—days are about a lot more than Zoom meetings and taking out the trash.

But, we’re also here to tell you: Play is everywhere, and even the most boring grownup stuff has the potential to turn into a powerful play moment!

At Home Activity: Build a Ramp

The uses for empty cardboard boxes seem endless—but they can also be opportunities for trial and error, exploring spatial reasoning, and sharpening measurement skills.

Today’s at home activity encourages your little ones to be their best scientific self by using all three of those skills, and more.

At Home Activity: Cardboard Tubes

Toilet paper isn’t as hot a commodity as it was a few weeks ago, but we’ve got one more reason to think twice about this otherwise boring item: the empty cardboard rolls.

Today’s at home activity focuses on another way to upcycle those rolls into a STEM focused, spatial reasoning exercise for your little ones.

So save whatever cardboard rolls you’ve got and let your kids discover their inner architect.

At Home Activity: Sink or Float

Sink... or float?

And no, we’re not talking about how we feel right now—we're talking about today’s at home activity for your kids, which happens to be all about trial and error.

It’s a good way to encourage kids to experiment, test, adjust, and test again.